Patricia OnLine

– en weblog

De dovnes bloggerier

af Patricia @ 21:46 pm — onsdag, 6. august 2008
Kategoriseret under: bloggen

Holy crap! I just totally realised I have not updated this since they invented sliced bread… You would not believe that I’d been abducted by aliens. But I’m sorry you’ll just have to take my word for it..

I am out of it with discovering time doesn’t stand still, hoping you haven’t found other blogs, just generally being a biatch to my employer, my day seems to be packed from crawling out of bed at 6.30 to 11pm at which point I fall asleep on the couch. I am not complaining though. but never say never.

I will try to remember I promised you I will make more of an effort to blog more often until the nice men in the white coats come back. Well, I’ll try. What do you mean you don’t believe me?.

Gør det selv her. [via plok – tak, det var tiltrængt!]

1 kommentar

Kommentar af Mami

torsdag, 7. august 2008 @ 9:57

Hejsa mein Liebes! Hm warum nicht “dänisch”, wenn du schon keine Lust auf “deutsch” hast??
Ich habe dich lieb!
Kuss von Mami

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